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The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 Youtube


The Pink Panther Strikes Again

Inspector Clouseau is, you lot will recall, the world's most incompetent detective. But at least in the past he has been assigned to fairly unimportant cases -- such as the one involving the theft of the world's most precious jewel. In "The Pink Panther Strikes Again," he finds himself upwards against a slightly more difficult case. The United Nations building has disappeared from the face of the Earth, and now a madman has gone on television to announce that all England volition be next. No more than warm beer, no more Picadilly Circus...

Clouseau is assigned to the instance. Well, not exactly assigned; it'due south just that he exudes an sick-fated magnetism for trouble of this sort. Conspirators and spies and mysterious young women take a mode of gathering around him, usually while he is involved in the study of something totally insignificant, such as the operation of a light switch. This time, Clouseau's on a earth scale: His sometime rival in the Paris police force (Herbert Lom) has taken over a Transylvanian castle, installed a mad scientist and announced that he volition destroy the world ... unless Clouseau is eliminated.

Clouseau's investigation involves the usual variety of sight gags -- some inspired, some merely borrowed -- that Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards have been supplying in the Pink Panther series for, believe it or not, nearly fifteen years. Some are among their all-time moments, as when Clouseau, working out on the parallel bars in the gymnasium of an English country abode, flips himself the wrong manner and falls downwards a flight of stairs into the drawing room. He is, as always, unflappable: The suspects have been assembled in that location, and he proceeds to question them.

In that location is likewise the business of getting across a moat and into Herbert Lom's gothic castle. Clouseau tries, and fails, at every possible means of attack, including canoes, vaulting poles and catapults. In that location's an earnest desperation in a lot of Peter Sellers' physical humor here that's highly-seasoned: We express mirth, but he'southward not in on the joke. He simply wants very much to get beyond that moat. And he finally succeeds, in a overnice companion piece to the teeth-drilling scenes in "Marathon Human," by disguising himself every bit the village dentist and recklessly going afterwards Herbert Lom'south teeth. They're both giddy with laughing gas at the fourth dimension, and so Lom doesn't even especially care.

If I'chiliad less than totally enthusiastic nigh "The Pink Panther Strikes Again," maybe it was because I've been over this footing with Clouseau many times earlier. This is the fifth Clouseau film, and the fourth starring Sellers (Alan Arkin had the pb in "Inspector Clouseau"). When last year's "The Return of the Pink Panther" was released, Sellers and Blake Edwards said it would be the concluding of the series. Only it went on to get the largest grossing one-act of all time, and so I suppose yet another sequel was required.

There has to come a time, though, when inspiration gives way to habit, and I recall the "Pinkish Panther" serial is simply almost at that point. That's not to say this film isn't funny -- it has moments equally skillful as anything Sellers and Edwards have ever done -- simply that it's fourth dimension for them to move on. They worked together once on the funniest movie either one has ever done, "The Party." At present information technology's time to try something new again.

Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the flick critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

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The Pinkish Panther Strikes Again (1976)

Rated PG

103 minutes

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